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The Future of Sustainable Living (K-ESG Highlights, 09.20)

"Must-see Exhibition for the Future Generation" Kicks Off Today 

등록일 2023년09월20일 09시06분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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"Must-see Exhibition for the Future Generation" Kicks Off Today 

An exceptional exhibition has been launched in a collaboration between the Environmental Foundation and Gyeonggi Province, led by Governor Kim Dong-yeon. This exhibition was introduced through an MOU with London's Natural History Museum for the first time in Korea. It's slated to run from September 20 to December 19 at the 5th floor of the Suwon Convention Center. Source: Environmental Daily


NAVER and Its ESG Commitment Highlighted with the "Platform Responsibility" Approach 

A representative from NAVER, the search engine that handles 74.7% of all web searches in South Korea, shared, "NAVER's commitment to strengthening its ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is part of its continuous efforts towards an SNS ecosystem through the 'Project Flower' program. As results show, we recognize that our platform inherently benefits when small business owners and creators thrive." The representative emphasized the company's dedication to ESG and added, "We will always remember that small entrepreneurs and creators are valued partners and will consistently introduce strategies to provide genuine support." 

Source: Korea Political Economy Newspaper


Hana Financial Group's ESG Activities Generated a Whopping KRW 3.8 Trillion in Value Last Year 

Hana Financial Group's performance in line with global ESG standards has been remarkable, with environmental contributions valued at KRW 950 billion, societal contributions at KRW 9.442 trillion, and governance and economic indirect contributions at KRW 2.8263 trillion. Notably, the 2022 ESG impact measurement expanded to include Hana Financial Holding Co. and its banking affiliates and Hana Securities, Hana Card, and several related foundations, highlighting the group-wide focus on ESG. 

Source: eDaily


Local Governments' Climate Crisis Report Card: "It's at a Critical Level" A recent forum at the National Assembly titled "How are our local governments responding to the climate crisis?" highlighted concerns. The meeting revealed that many Korean local governments need to fully disclose their energy policy implementation outcomes or their greenhouse gas reduction results. Criticism was pointed towards ongoing policies that might exacerbate the climate crisis. 

Source: M-Economy News



Time to Move Beyond the Era of Cars in the Face of the Climate Crisis 

In his book, "Finding a Way in the Kidnapped City," author Jeon Hyun-woo takes a philosophical look into transportation problems in the age of climate crisis. He suggests that the essence of movement can be understood through human desires. While humans can instantly feel discomfort or exertion in their muscles when walking, there's a noticeable disconnect between our feelings and powered vehicles like cars and trains. 

Source: KAIST Newspaper


The Imaginative Potential of Corporate Systems - Balancing Market Autonomy and ESG Management 

The recent emphasis on ESG management acts as a game-changer, turning the tide from what seemed like an entrapment in a maze. ESG management serves as an excellent compass for innovatively advancing corporate systems. This newly released book delves into the evolution of corporate systems based on this foundation. 



Businesses Embrace Social Contribution: "ESG Management Now at Its Peak" 

Professor Alex Edmans of the London Business School, in his ESG column for the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), highlighted, "ESG is currently at its zenith." He emphasized, "Companies cannot grow if they solely focus on maximizing profits without considering the community." 

Source: ChosunBiz


"No Avoiding ESG Disclosures... Companies Need a Voice" 

Lee Han-sang, the head of the Korean Accounting Standards Board, advised during a presentation to the K-ESG Alliance Committee, comprised of 52 companies and institutions, "As ESG disclosures expand, starting from Europe and the US, Korean companies listed overseas should begin preparing for ESG disclosure." 

Source: Korea Special Construction Newspaper


사진 - 셔터스톡

Climate Crisis Poses Questions on the Fundamental Value of Agriculture 

The climate crisis is rewriting the map for crop cultivation. A prime example? The apple-producing regions of South Korea have seen significant shifts. Just 30 years ago, Daegu and Gyeongbuk were the nation's primary apple-producing hubs. However, according to the Rural Development Administration, these areas have seen a 44% decline in apple cultivation over the past three decades. Contrastingly, Gangwon-do, which began apple farming in the 1990s, has seen a whopping 247% increase in apple cultivation in the same period. 

Source: Korea Farmer and Fisherman News


HanSot's ESG Initiatives Recognized by the UN 

HanSot's dedication to ESG has not gone unnoticed. The brand is proud to be the only domestic food company listed on the 'Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Action Commitment' at the UN Food Systems Summit. Moreover, they've been honored as one of the 'Top 150 World's Best Food SMEs' at the summit – a first for any Korean entity. 

Source: ChosunBiz


"Mandatory ESG Disclosures Need Understandable Standards and Ample Time" 

The Korea Economic Research Association highlighted, "With global sustainability reporting standards set to apply from next year and Korea's phased mandatory disclosures starting from 2025, companies are keenly interested." However, they emphasized the need for adequate preparation time to ensure disclosure data's reliability and minimize on-the-ground confusion. 

Source: Digital Times

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