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[Breaking News] Democratic Party Leader Lee Jae-myung's Statement Post-Arrest Approval

A higher proportion of respondents (46%) believed the investigation into Lee was a "legitimate procedural inquiry"

등록일 2023년09월22일 14시36분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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Photo by NJT. Supporters of the Democratic Party took to the streets, holding placards that read, ”Condemn the Political Prosecution” and ”Warrant Request is Political Oppression.” They expressed their discontent and concerns over what they perceive as the politicization of the judicial process. The protest aimed to draw attention to the alleged instrumentalization of arrest warrants for political gains.



Democratic Party Leader Lee Jae-myung's Statement Post-Arrest Approval


By BK Park


Seoul, South Korea  — Following the approval of the arrest motion, Democratic Party Leader Lee Jae-myung made his first public statement, asserting, "I will continue to move forward without bending, trusting the people. We must prevent the regression and excesses of a prosecutorial dictatorship." Although he did not directly mention the approval of the arrest motion, his words conveyed a continued resolve to battle against the Yoon Suk Yeol administration.


Meanwhile, the leadership of the Democratic Party has characterized the approval of the arrest motion as a wrongful act and warned of taking corresponding measures in response.


Jung Chung-rai, a senior member of the pro-Lee faction, strongly criticized members suspected of voting in favor of the motion, stating, "Members of our party have betrayed their leader." Chung firmly asserted that despite the approval decision, Leader Lee will not resign.


There are emerging voices from the anti-Lee faction within the party calling for the resignation of Lee and the current party leadership, asserting that a complete overhaul of the administration is necessary.


Political analysts have speculated that the statement Lee Jae-myung posted on social media urging a rejection of the motion just before the vote inadvertently spurred negative sentiments within the Democratic Party. Moreover, they criticized Lee's failure to uphold his months-old pledge to relinquish his immunity from arrest.


The ongoing hunger strike, which has lasted for 23 days, is predominantly seen not as an act for the welfare of the citizens or the nation but as a defensive tactic.


In a recent Gallup Korea poll, a higher proportion of respondents (46%) believed the investigation into Lee was a "legitimate procedural inquiry" compared to those (37%) who considered it "unfair political suppression." The view that it was a "legitimate procedural inquiry" was especially prevalent among supporters of the People's Power Party (86%) and the conservative bloc (74%). In contrast, the sentiment of "unfair political suppression" was prominently held among Democratic Party supporters (72%) and progressive-leaning respondents (60%).


Among centrists, 45% considered it a legitimate investigation, slightly outnumbering the 40% who saw it as political oppression. This poll, conducted between the 19th and 21st, surveyed 1,001 national voters regarding their opinions on the recent arrest warrant request.


The following is the full statement from Representative Lee Jae-myung.

Korean history has always been a cycle of advances and retreats. After the April 19th (1946) Revolution overthrew the dictatorship, a military coup emerged. When the June Uprising (1987) achieved national sovereignty, military and oligarchic forces returned under a different guise. Now, as we push out the corrupt forces with candlelight protests, the prosecutorial cartel has seized the opportunity to take power.

We must stop the rampant regression of the prosecutorial dictatorship and protect the livelihoods and democracy of our citizens. The Democratic Party stands against the tyranny of the Yoon Suk Yeol regime. If the Democratic Party falls, the oppression from the prosecutorial dictatorship will intensify, and the people will bear the brunt.

Address the shortcomings of the Democratic Party by becoming its steward. Guide, criticize, and reform it.

Look beyond Lee Jae-myung to protect the Democratic Party and democracy, the people, and the nation. Rally behind the Democratic Party to prevent the prosecutorial dictatorship from destroying our democracy, livelihoods, and peace. If we can harness the full potential of our party, we will undoubtedly prevail.

We pledge to do everything in our power to make the Democratic Party more reformative, more competent, and more democratic.

While rivers don't always flow straight, they inevitably lead to the ocean. History, while repetitive, has always progressed forward. Ultimately, the people have won and will win again. We believe in the people and will press on without faltering.


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