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[Seoulitics] Discontentment Rises: Assessing President Yoon Suk Yeol's Stance on 'Fairness' and 'Common Sense'

Yoon's Leadership: From Champion of Fairness to Center of Controversy

등록일 2023년10월17일 13시53분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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Photo by Shutterstock. During the last presidential election, candidates adopted distinct catchphrases to promote their campaigns. Lee Jae-myung championed himself as the ”Economic President”, while Yoon Suk Yeol presented himself as the ”President Raised by the People”.


Discontentment Rises: Assessing President Yoon Suk Yeol's Stance on 'Fairness' and 'Common Sense'


By Byung Kee Park


Seoul, South Korea — During his candidacy, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol's commitment to 'fairness' and 'common sense' drew overwhelming support from the nation's youth and young adults. However, since his ascendancy to the presidency, significant skepticism surrounds his governance approach, with many believing it needs to be more fair and sensible.


According to a survey conducted by Kookmin Daily last year, out of 48 young supporters of Yoon interviewed, 31 expressed intent to withdraw their support. A substantial 84% of 100 young respondents opined that his governance needed to be fairer and rooted in common sense. Only a meager 4% felt his administration was fair.


The Collins Dictionary defines 'fairness' as "being reasonable, right, and just" and 'common sense' as "the natural ability to make good judgments and to behave in a practical and sensible way."


However, critics argue that President Yoon has strayed from these principles in several instances:


  1. Meeting with Political Opposition: Despite the pressing domestic challenges, President Yoon has notably avoided any meeting with Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the main opposition, the Democratic Party. The President's rationale, as cited by Prime Minister Han Deok-soo, is the public's potential "unfair" perception due to the legal risks associated with the opposition leader.
  2. Engagement with Saudi Crown Prince: In contrast, President Yoon has been seen extending state honors to Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a controversial figure criticized for alleged human rights abuses and connections to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Suppose President Yoon is willing to meet with figures like the Crown Prince for economic ties. In that case, critics argue that domestic engagements with the opposite leader should be a priority for the nation's benefit. 
  3. Recent By-Election Results: The defeat of Kim Tae-woo, a candidate pardoned and backed by President Yoon in a recent by-election, is seen by many as a transparent public repudiation of Yoon's governance.
  4. Economic Concerns: The South Korean economy is under strain with a declining GDP and rising inflation. While these challenges are partly global, the sharp descent in GDP is particularly concerning for many. The public's anticipation for effective policy responses and appointments still needs to be met.
  5. Treatment of Political Allies: Decisions such as sidelining Lee Joon-seok, a crucial ally who was pivotal in galvanizing youth and young adults' support for Yoon's candidacy, have further strained public sentiment.


With worldwide human rights experts highlighting Saudi Arabia's crackdown on free expression, the Yoon administration resembles Bin Salman's approach. Given the current trajectory, the rising discontent among the South Korean public is palpable. The plummeting approval ratings suggest an intense yearning for a political environment that genuinely reflects the principles of fairness, common sense, and liberal democracy President Yoon emphasized repeatedly.

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