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[eMeta English] 일본을 울린 의인 이수현

His legacy continues to inspire people even today.

등록일 2023년03월11일 19시29분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기 네이버 밴드 공유


사람 1: 이수현에 대해 아세요?
사람 2: 아니오, 잘 몰라요. 누구입니까?

사람 1: 이수현은 일본에서 유학 중인 한국 유학생이었습니다. 2001년에 세상을 떠났어요.
사람 2: 아, 슬프네요. 그에게 무슨 일이 일어 났습니까?

사람 1: 그는 도쿄의 신오쿠보 역에서 기차를 기다리고 있었는데 술에 취한 남자가 선로에 쓰러지는 것을 보았습니다. 이수현 씨는 주저 없이 선로에 몸을 던져 남성을 구하려고 했는데 안타깝게도 두 사람 모두 기차에 치여 숨지고 말았습니다.
사람 2: 매우 고귀합니다. 그의 죽음은 어떤 영향을 미쳤습니까?

사람 1: 이씨의 죽음은 일본 사회에 큰 파장을 일으켰습니다. 사람들은 그의 이타심과 용기에 깊은 인상을 받았습니다. 신오오쿠보역에는 그를 기리기 위한 기념비가 세워졌고 그의 이야기는 일본 초등학교 교과서에 실렸습니다. 그의 삶을 추모하기 위해 영화와 다큐멘터리도 제작되었습니다.
사람 2: 놀랍군요. 이씨는 자신의 행동에 대해 어떻게 인정을 받았습니까?

사람 1: 네, 한국과 일본 정부 모두 그의 희생을 인정하고 메달을 수여했습니다. 그의 부모님은 그의 이름으로 장학 사업을 시작했고, 한국과 일본에서 온 참가자들과 함께 그를 위한 추모식이 열렸습니다.
사람 2: 감동적이네요. 이명박의 희생은 양국 관계에 희망의 상징이 됐습니다.

사람 1: 예, 있습니다. 그의 유산은 오늘날에도 사람들에게 영감을 주고 있습니다. 2006년 일본에서 유학 중인 한 한국인 유학생이 이씨가 목숨을 잃은 같은 역에서 그의 발자취를 따라 한 남성을 구했습니다.


Person 1: Do you know about Lee Soo Hyun?
Person 2: No, I don't think so. Who is he?

Person 1: Lee Soo Hyun was a Korean student studying in Japan. He passed away in 2001.
Person 2: Oh, that's sad. What happened to him?

Person 1: Well, he was waiting for a train at Shin-Okubo Station in Tokyo and he saw a drunken man fall onto the tracks. Without hesitation, Lee threw himself onto the tracks to save the man, but unfortunately, both of them were hit by a train and died.
Person 2: That's very noble of him. What was the impact of his death?

Person 1: Lee's death caused a stir in Japanese society. People were impressed by his selflessness and bravery. A memorial was erected at Shin-Okubo Station in his honor, and his story was included in Japanese elementary school textbooks. A film and a documentary were also produced to commemorate his life.
Person 2: That's amazing. Was Lee recognized for his actions?

Person 1: Yes, both the South Korean and Japanese government recognized his sacrifice and awarded him medals. His parents started a scholarship project in his name and there have been memorial services held for him, with participants from both Korea and Japan.
Person 2: That's touching. Lee's sacrifice has become a symbol of hope for the relationship between the two countries.

Person 1: Yes, it has. His legacy continues to inspire people even today. In 2006, a Korean student studying in Japan saved a man in the same station where Lee lost his life, following in his footsteps.



Multiple-Choice Questions:

  1. How did Lee die? a. He was hit by a car. b. He drowned in a river. c. He was hit by a train. d. He had a heart attack.

  2. What impact did Lee's death have on Japanese society?

    a. It caused a stir and was widely recognized as a noble sacrifice. b. It had no impact. c. It caused controversy. d. It was widely ignored.


  3. What recognition did Lee receive for his actions?

    a. A scholarship in his name. b. Medals from the South Korean and Japanese governments. c. A memorial at Shin-Okubo Station. d. All of the above.


  4. What was the purpose of the film and documentary produced about Lee?

    a. To raise awareness of his sacrifice. b. To provide a historical record. c. To promote the relationship between South Korea and Japan. d. All of the above.


  5. What does Lee's legacy represent?

    a. A symbol of hope for the relationship between South Korea and Japan. b. A symbol of tragedy and loss. c. A reminder of the dangers of alcohol. d. None of the above.

Reading Comprehension: Read the following passage about Lee Soo Hyun and answer the questions.

Lee Soo Hyun was a Korean student studying in Japan who passed away in 2001 while saving a man's life at Shin-Okubo Station in Tokyo. His actions have become a symbol of hope for the relationship between South Korea and Japan, and his legacy continues to inspire people today. Lee's death caused a stir in Japanese society, and he was widely recognized for his selflessness and bravery. A scholarship project was started in his name, and a memorial was erected at Shin-Okubo Station in his honor. His story was also included in Japanese elementary school textbooks, and a film and documentary were produced to commemorate his life.

  1. What did Lee do at Shin-Okubo Station in Tokyo?

    a. He passed away. b. He saved a man's life. c. He started a scholarship project. d. He erected a memorial.


  2. How did Japanese society react to Lee's death?

    a. They were angry. b. They were indifferent. c. They were impressed by his selflessness and bravery. d. They were scared.


  3. What recognition did Lee receive for his actions?

    a. A scholarship in his name. b. Medals from the South Korean and Japanese governments. c. A memorial at Shin-Okubo Station. d. All of the above.


  4. What was the impact of Lee's sacrifice?

    a. It caused a stir in Japanese society. b. It had no impact. c. It caused controversy. d. It was widely ignored.


  5. What does Lee's legacy represent?

    a. A symbol of tragedy and loss. b. A symbol of hope for the relationship between South Korea and Japan. c. A reminder of the dangers of alcohol. d. None of the above.


Fill in the Blanks: Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the vocabulary list.

  1. The news of Lee's death caused a ________ in Japanese society.
  2. A ________ was erected at Shin-Okubo Station in honor of Lee.
  3. People were impressed by Lee's ________ and bravery.
  4. Lee's legacy continues to inspire people ________.



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