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[K-News Shortform] The Power of Hangul Taps into the Future and more news (09.27)

2024 Gangwon Winter Youth Olympics Torch Lighting | South Korea Steps into the 'Super-Aging Society' in 2 Years

등록일 2023년09월27일 10시58분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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The Power of Hangul Taps into the Future: '2023 Hangul Week' Launches! 

Credit: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

The '2023 Hangul Week' grand opening is set to take place on October 4th at 10 a.m., as part of the 'Hangul Culture and Industry Exhibition'. This exhibition, running from October 4th to 6th at the aT Center in Yangjae-dong, Seoul, seamlessly merges Hangul culture and industry. A special highlight? It showcases the innovations that AI technologies, especially ones like ChatGPT, will usher in. Kicking off the celebrations, the opening ceremony will feature artist Yeom Dong-kyun painting Hangul in a virtual reality space!



2024 Gangwon Winter Youth Olympics Torch Lighting 

Credit: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

On October 3rd, the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens, Greece - where the first-ever Olympics were held - will be the backdrop for the 2024 Gangwon Winter Youth Olympics torch lighting ceremony. With participation from Spyros Capralos, Chairman of the Greek Olympic Committee, Jin Jong-oh, Chairman of the organizing committee for Gangwon 2024, and various Greek citizens, this lighting ceremony will mark the global commencement of the countdown to Gangwon 2024.


2030 Busan World Expo Bid Committee 

Credit: Prime Minister's Office

With only about two months left to the decision date for the host city of the 2030 World Expo (scheduled for November 28th), the committee is reviewing its current bid efforts and discussing strategies for the final push. Prime Minister Han Deok-su emphasizes the rising competition between candidate countries and urges for a "meticulous, country-specific strategy, working hand-in-hand with the private sector." The co-chairman, Choi Tae-won, Chairman of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, promises the full support of the private sector, stressing the importance of treating every representative from the BIE (Bureau International des Expositions) with utmost importance.


'Driver Operates Display Through Touch Alone'... Developed by KoreaTech Team

A team of researchers from KoreaTech has developed a technology that allows drivers to operate car displays solely through touch. The display communicates the button's location and physical feedback to the driver. These findings were published in 'IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics'.


76% of Elderly Aged 65 and Above Say, "Don't Want to Live with Children"

In a telling survey from Korea, nearly 6 out of 8 elderly individuals aged 65 and above expressed no desire to live with their children. Interestingly, 70% of older employed individuals are still preparing for retirement, with many hoping for hobbies and travel in their golden years.


Research Data on Personal PCs? Now R&D Institutions Will Manage and Share

The Ministry of Science and ICT has announced the 'National Research Data Management and Utilization Promotion Act'. This law mandates that research and development institutions take the lead in managing and sharing research data, ensuring it's not just stored on individual researchers' PCs but is shared, potentially boosting research efficiency.


UNIST and KAIST Develop Solid Electrolyte Using Cheap Eco-friendly Materials

Researchers from UNIST and KAIST have crafted a solid-state secondary sodium battery using affordable and eco-friendly materials. Notably, they've used a blue dye material called Prussian blue as the electrolyte to create this battery – a core component often used in sodium secondary batteries.


Photo by Shutterstock


Autism's Impact on Social Behavior Tied to Brain's 'Reward Circuit' Damage

According to research from the Institute for Basic Science, the brain region responsible for social behavior in mice with autism appeared to be weakened. Fascinatingly, when this region was stimulated with light, the social behavior in the mice was restored. This discovery may hold the key to innovative autism treatments in the future.


South Korea Steps into the 'Super-Aging Society' in 2 Years with Over 9.5 Million Aged 65 and Above

This year, the elderly population in South Korea, those aged 65 and over, is projected to reach a whopping 9.5 million. That is roughly 20% of the entire population, suggesting that the nation will enter a 'super-aging society' in just two years. This demographic shift will undeniably bring various changes to Korean society.


For Young People, Real Estate is the Debt Culprit... 55% of Assets in 'Deposits'

The rising debt among young people primarily stems from real estate-related loans. Many young Koreans are accumulating debt in their pursuit of owning homes. Diverse strategies are needed to address this pressing issue.


Rigorous Management of Cosmetics Using Human-Derived Cell Culture Medium 

Credit: Korea Food & Drug Administration

Cosmetics formulated with human-derived cell culture medium can only be used if they meet the safety standards set by the Food and Drug Administration. Responsible vendors for such cosmetics must retain all records and certificates related to the safety standards, including donor qualification tests, human cell collection, testing, culture records, and toxicity tests, for three years from the date of final product manufacture.


Photo by Shutterstock



'Stay Fresh Longer' – Smart Tips for Storing Fruits and Veggies 

Credit: Rural Development Administration

During Chuseok, gifts of apples, pears, and mixed boxes have a high preference rate of around 26.7%. Lately, with evolving tastes, traditional fruits like apples and pears are being combined with tropical fruits like mangoes and kiwis. Among these, apples produce a large amount of 'ethylene', a plant aging hormone, which can degrade the quality of other fruits and vegetables. Therefore, it's best to store apples separately. Other produce sensitive to ethylene, like broccoli, lettuce, cucumber, watermelon, and carrots, should also be stored away from apples to prevent discoloration or spotting.


'More Blue During Festivals' – Relative Deprivation... Doctors Suggest, "Cut Down on SNS First"

Browsing social media platforms extensively during festivals like Chuseok can lead to individuals comparing themselves to others, triggering feelings of sadness or depression. Experts advise that reducing social media usage can alleviate these feelings. Focusing on oneself, showering self-praise, and engaging in positive activities can be beneficial.


Electronic Anklets Now an Option for Stalking Offenders 

Credit: Ministry of Government Legislation

Until now, only those guilty of sexual violence, kidnapping minors, homicide, and robbery could be ordered to wear electronic monitoring devices. However, as of October 12th, with the revised "Act on the Attachment of Electronic Devices", stalking offenders will also be subject to electronic monitoring.


Safe and Healthy Chuseok Tips from the Food and Drug Administration! Credit: Korea Food & Drug Administration

When cooking or reheating holiday dishes using air fryers or microwaves, it's essential to adhere to recommended temperatures and timings and to avoid consuming charred parts. As per the FDA's findings, cooking meats and fish in air fryers below 200℃ ensures the reduced formation of harmful substances like benzo[a]pyrene

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Hern Sik Kim & BK Park assisted by ChatGPT 기자 이기자의 다른뉴스
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