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[K-News Shortform] Economic Alarm Bells Ring with 'Triple High' Woes and Mounting Household Debt and more updates (10.05)

Aging Population Pushes Medical Costs Skyward, Casting Shadows on Health Insurance Finances | Central Bank Speeds Up on 'CBDC': What Is It?

등록일 2023년10월05일 11시50분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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Economic Alarm Bells Ring with 'Triple High' Woes and Mounting Household Debt

Korea's economy is bracing itself as it faces the 'Triple High' threats: high-interest rates, oil prices, and exchange rates. Particularly concerning is the rising household debt. These combined risks could strain the nation's economic landscape even more.



Aging Population Pushes Medical Costs Skyward, Casting Shadows on Health Insurance Finances

Last year, medical expenses due to the aging population surpassed a whopping 100 trillion won. As elderly medical expenses continue to rise, health insurance reserves could sharply decline. The government is actively seeking solutions to tackle this impending challenge.



Central Bank Speeds Up on 'CBDC': What Is It?

CBDC, or Central Bank Digital Currency, is a new digital currency issued directly by the central bank. While it's akin to digitizing traditional cash, it's significant in that the central bank itself rolls it out. With the decline in cash usage and the shift to digital, many countries are keenly exploring and researching CBDCs.



사진 - 셔터스톡. 손정의


Masayoshi Son Predicts: "General AI Surpassing Humans in 10 Years... More Dangerous than Nuclear Bombs"

Masayoshi Son, Chairman of SoftBank Group, forecasts the emergence of General Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the next decade. He believes this AI will significantly surpass human intelligence. He expressed his desire to create companies that maximize the use of AI.



Shocking Findings on Teen Smartphone Usage

Research reveals a startling correlation: teenagers who spend extended hours on their smartphones tend to exhibit higher tendencies of depression. Students who use smartphones for over 4 hours on weekdays scored higher on depression scales. The study was published in the academic journal of the Korean Health Association



"Exceptional Teachers Struggle More with Demanding Parents"... Study by Seoul National University

A study from Seoul National University suggests that the more competent a teacher is, the more stress they experience from demanding parents. This research was carried out by the SNU College of Education research team, surveying 2,629 teachers.

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사진 - 셔터스톡. 택시 운전기사


Road Safety Concerns Rise: 4 out of 10 Taxi Drivers Aged 65 and Over

A recent study has shown that many taxi drivers aged 65 and above do not fail the aptitude tests. The researchers highlight that the current testing system might be too lenient and emphasize the need for stricter assessments.



"Surpassing Human Limits with Robot Suits" – Central University’s Professor Lee Ki-wook’s Team Validates Physical Breakthrough with Robot Suit Usage

A research team from Central University has validated the potential of robot suits to enhance human physical capabilities. By utilizing these robot suits, individuals can shave off up to 3.4 seconds from a 200m sprint time.



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Hern Sik Kim & BK Park assisted by ChatGPT 기자 이기자의 다른뉴스
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