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[K-News Shortform] Another Day, Another Drama in Korean politics and more (09.22)

South Korea's National Assembly set three 'unimpressive' Records | Justice Upgrade: From 12 to 20 Years Behind Bars for Busan Attacker

등록일 2023년09월22일 11시10분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기 네이버 밴드 공유

Photo by NJT. Supporters of Representative Lee Jae-myung are seen tearing up as the National Assembly passes a motion to grant immunity from arrest.


South Korea's National Assembly set three 'unimpressive' Records

The National Assembly outdid itself on the 21st. In a day that could only be described as an eager race to rewrite the 75-year-old constitutional history books, they passed an arrest motion for Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung, a dismissal motion for Prime Minister Han Deok-su, AND an impeachment motion for a sitting prosecutor. Never before seen, folks. They may be trying to keep things spicy, or they may have taken up record-breaking as a new pastime. Either way, we're all eyes!


Another Day, Another Drama: Lee Jae-myung's Day in Court!

Just when we thought things couldn't get any juicier in the world of Korean politics, the Seoul Central District Court has announced that Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung, who is oh-so-coincidentally facing charges of bribery, will undergo a "pre-trial detention review" on the 26th. 


In a plot twist worthy of a primetime drama, the review will be overseen by none other than Judge Yoo Chang-hoon, who's clearly made quite a hobby of handling high-profile cases. Yoo, for the uninitiated, has quite the résumé: dismissing warrants for journalist Kang Jin-gu, the illustrious member of the "50 billion club" Park Young-soo, and - wait for it - the son of a sitting lawmaker accused of a trifling 200 billion scam. But he's not all about the rejections. He's also authorized arrest warrants for aides like Park Yong-su from the Song Young-gil camp and legislator Yoon Kwan-seok. So which way will the wind blow this time?


Justice Upgrade: From 12 to 20 Years Behind Bars for Busan Attacker

In a classic "second-thoughts" move, the initial 12-year prison sentence for Mr. Lee – who thought chasing and brutally attacking an unfamiliar woman in Busan was a good idea – got a timely makeover. Just before the appellate court's decision, the charge shifted to "attempted rape and murder," now locking him in for 20 years. What changed, you ask? Well, a brief 7-minute mysterious interlude away from CCTV, and the discovery of Lee's DNA on the victim's pants.


'ChatGPT' on the Rise… Local AI Hindered by Platform Regulations

While international AI technologies are advancing rapidly, South Korea's domestic AI technologies are struggling due to regulatory issues. While global companies continue to develop AI and target the Korean market, local firms are held back. Industry insiders have called for regulatory reforms to spur domestic AI growth.


Solar Activity Peaks Next Year… "Prepare for Satellite Disruptions"

From next year, increased solar activity may cause concerns about communication failures. The government plans to strengthen domestic and international collaborations to anticipate space radio disruptions. A 'Space Radio Environment Conference' was also held to share global research and develop mitigation strategies.


Photo by Shutterstock



Budget Cuts in R&D... Basic Research Halted, Students Rethink Careers

Due to the Korean government's R&D budget cuts, fundamental science and technology researchers have expressed concerns. They fear for their growth trajectory and highlight significant budget reductions as a key issue.


Expanding International Collaboration? Korea Needs' Self-reliant Tech Growth' Now

Rather than expanding international collaboration, strengthening domestic tech competitiveness is essential, according to a recent analysis. Professor Oh Kyung-soo from Chung-Ang University stated that the current meaning of R&D international collaboration needs to be clarified, and Korea should focus on its technological growth.


Restructuring Wave in IT Sector... Non-core Departments Phased Out, Focus on Future Businesses

The IT sector has a restructuring trend, with many companies undergoing organizational reforms. To adapt to the economic situation, non-core departments are downsizing or reassigning personnel.



From Generative AI to Quantum Computing...' Digital Future Innovation Expo of Korea'

A significant IT event is taking place at COEX in Seoul! This event showcases the latest IT innovations, with many companies and experts participating to share their knowledge.


"Cultivating Korean SpaceX"... Plans to Establish Public Space Tech Transfer to Private Sector by Next Year

With the transfer of space technology to the private sector, there are plans to create Korea's version of SpaceX. The process for rocket launches will also be simplified, making it easier to enter the space launch service market.


Hanwha Aerospace Witnesses Mass Transfers from Korea Aerospace... Why?

Many technical experts from Korea Aerospace have moved to Hanwha Aerospace. This move might influence the selection of next-generation launch vehicle businesses and could potentially delay the selection process.


'Address-based Robot Delivery' Spreads as Public-Private Consultation Begins

The future of robot delivery is approaching! The Ministry of the Interior and Safety plans to discuss efficient ways for robots to utilize address information for deliveries. This would make robot deliveries more efficient.


Ajou University Research Team


Ajou University Develops Disease Diagnosis Technology like Pregnancy Tests

A team from Ajou University has developed a technology to diagnose diseases as simply as using a pregnancy test. This test recognizes the activity of protease enzymes involved in protein degradation to diagnose diseases, making disease detection more convenient.


Flybit Develops a Sanction Risk Assessment Model Specialized for Virtual Asset Operators

Virtual currency exchange Flybit has created a new sanction risk assessment model for virtual asset operators. This program identifies, analyzes, and evaluates sanction risks, assisting in the appropriate response. This will help virtual asset operators manage risks more effectively.


Translating Ancient Chinese Texts with AI... Creating a Platform with 92% Accuracy

The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute of Korea is developing an AI that translates ancient texts. This AI recognizes characters in ancient Chinese texts with 92% accuracy and translates them with 85% accuracy. This technology reduces translation time and allows the general public to translate ancient Chinese texts easily. Korea used Chinese characters before King Sejong created Hangul. 


Photo by Shutterstock


Men in Their 40s are 'Emotion-filled' in Cars... They Enjoy Listening to Music the Most

According to a Genie Music survey, men in their 40s mostly listen to music in their cars. Especially in connected cars, male drivers in their 40s were the top demographic. However, fewer of them listen to music on their phones.


91.6% of Urban Residents Have a Positive View of Forests, says the National Forest Science Institute

Over 90% of urban residents like forests, according to a survey. The National Forest Science Institute found that of the urban residents surveyed at Bukhansan National Park Dobongsan, 91.6% liked woods, while only 8.4% had negative opinions. Many loved the beautiful forest scenery, walking or hiking spaces, and nature's allure.


Memory Operated by Light Now Possible

Local researchers have developed memory technology that operates using light. This technology is expected to speed up data processing significantly. The Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) announced on the 21st that they discovered a method to operate memory with light using a new material.


Announcement Next Week on Increasing Electric Car Subsidies... Temporary Increase Expected by Year-end

The government plans to increase subsidies for electric car purchases. Although the exact details are yet to be finalized, a temporary subsidy increase is anticipated by the end of the year. Only electric passenger cars priced below 85 million won are eligible for subsidies.


Was the Metaverse a Mirage?... Cyworld Closes, Kakao Restructuring

While the Metaverse platform had gained popularity, many companies now struggle to see its effects. Cyworld closed its doors after just a year, and Kakao and Com2us are restructuring their Metaverse services. Interest in the Metaverse has declined post-COVID-19, leading to a sharp drop in usage rates.


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Collected by Hern Sik Kim and BK Park, Edited by BK Park 기자 이기자의 다른뉴스
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