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[Breaking News] Lee's Hunger Protest Ends in Desperation

Starvation in Seoul: Lee's Heart-wrenching Protest Met with Chilling Silence

등록일 2023년09월23일 14시12분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기 네이버 밴드 공유


Photo by Democratic Party


Hunger Protest Ends in Desperation: A Lonely Battle for Democracy's Lee Jae-myung

SEOUL — After a dramatic 24-day hunger strike, the leader of the Democratic Party, Lee Jae-myung, succumbed to intense medical warnings and ended his self-imposed starvation on September 23 at the Noksaek Hospital in Jungnang District, Seoul.


This poignant decision came just two days after the National Assembly approved the motion to detain him. Medical professionals attending to Lee vehemently urged him to end his hunger strike, warning of grave health consequences. Their words painted a dire picture, indicating that any further starvation could lead to irreversible health damage. Pleas from various sectors echoed the same sentiment.


A stark image emerged from this episode. Over his 24 days of fasting, not a single member from the opposing party, the People Power Party, even visited Lee to express their worries. This thorough shunning painted a vivid image of the depths of division within Korean politics. To many, the hunger strike seemed fruitless, achieving nothing more than deteriorating the leader's health.


Starting the hunger protest without adequate discussion with key party leaders and under the somewhat ambiguous banner of "toppling the dictatorship" might have been Lee's undoing. This muddled messaging could have garnered widespread support. Gossip in the political grapevine even suggested that some opposition supporters mockingly labeled it a "bulletproof hunger strike," hinting at its ineffectiveness in thwarting his potential arrest.


With Lee's potential detention looming large, the media spotlight now shifts to the Democratic Party's next moves. If Lee is detained, the party will need a new floor leader, a role underscored by its significance in current political dynamics. The previous floor leader, Park Kwang-on, had already resigned following the approval of the motion to detain Lee.


The landscape of Korean politics remains as tumultuous as ever, with its leaders and their decisions under intense scrutiny. This recent hunger strike might end up being a footnote, but it's a testament to the lengths some will go to in their fight for their convictions.

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