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[K-News Shortform] Rifkin "South Korea's ability to overcome adversity can offer hope to other nations" and more updates (10.10)

209 Companies Fined Last Year for Neglecting Safety Training | Subway's "Weapon Misconduct & Violence" Caught by AI

등록일 2023년10월10일 11시44분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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Jeremy Rifkin. Photo by Stephan Röhl/Heinrich Böll Foundation


Jeremy Rifkin: "South Korea, a Resilient Nation... Inspiring Other Countries"

World-renowned scholar Chairman Jeremy Rifkin expressed that South Korea's ability to overcome adversity can offer hope to other nations. After all, South Korea has faced its past challenges and has emerged as a developed nation.



Frequent Accident Reports, There's a Reason... 209 Companies Fined Last Year for Neglecting Safety Training

Safety education is crucial in every workplace. Yet, over 200 companies were fined last year for not conducting proper safety training. Safety education is essential, especially for those working as construction machinery operators, truck owners, and taxi drivers. Adequate training can indeed prevent many potential accidents.



Bank of Korea's Climate Crisis Research: Only 10 Studies in 6 Years

News has emerged that the Bank of Korea conducted only 10 climate crisis-related studies over six years. Although the Governor of the Bank emphasizes the importance of addressing the climate crisis, there are criticisms of insufficient research resources. More research and proactive measures are needed.



Generated by Midjourney. AIs identify unusual behaviors like violence or wielding weapons, the scene vividly captures passengers reacting in fear, with a central figure showcasing aggression, focus on the glaring CCTV cameras and on-screen textual alerts


Subway's "Weapon Misconduct & Violence" Caught by AI... Pilot Introduction on Line 5 Next Year

Seoul's subway system is set to pilot an abnormal behavior detection technology powered by artificial intelligence (AI). If AI can proactively detect dangerous situations within subway stations, it will significantly boost safety. We look forward to seeing even greater applications of this technology.



The Era of 'Quiet Resignation' is Gone, Now is the 'Era of Ambition'... 82% of Men and 81% of Women Want Promotions

Nowadays, people find a good balance between work and life, especially while working from home. As a result, many are aspiring for promotions. Women, in particular, seem to be more focused due to flexible work arrangements.



[Facing the Extinction of Regions] A Jeju Farm Rearing 22 Horses and Cows Transforms into a Base for Space Industry

In Jeju, there are plans to transform farms previously used for livestock farming into spaces for space and bio-industry companies. If companies thrive in Jeju thanks to this initiative, many people might find employment opportunities there, aiding in Jeju's development.



사진 - 셔터스톡



Business Sector Aims to Overhaul Organizational Culture: 'Leading-Edge Technology' Becomes Next Year's Strategy Keyword

Companies are gearing up for a brighter future with fresh technologies and ideas. Notably, tech giants like Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics are ramping up their efforts overseas, keenly following tech trends and promoting their latest products. Businesses are already considering which technologies will be pivotal in the upcoming year.



Doctors' Empathy Plays a Huge Role in Patient Satisfaction

According to a study released by a research team at Busan's Medical University, when doctors genuinely empathize with the worries and anxieties of patients, the latter feel more satisfied with the medical services. This research aimed to uncover how much a doctor's attitude and services influence patient satisfaction. The findings underscore just how crucial a kind and understanding demeanor is for physicians when dealing with patients.



Young and Unemployed Feel the Blues: Jobless Men in Their 40s and Women in Their 20s at Highest Risk

Research reveals that many individuals in their 20s and 40s who are unemployed feel downhearted. In particular, jobless individuals in their 20s are reportedly in the most profound state of despair. There's a pressing need for support and assistance for these individuals.



A Boost for Quantum Science and Industry: Quantum Law Passes Parliament

The national assembly has crafted legislation to advance quantum science and industry. In light of this, a plan will be laid out every five years, and specialized technologies will receive backing to assist quantum advancements. The government also plans to set up a dedicated committee to develop quantum technologies.



Taking on Climate Change: Parliament Approves Climate Response and Heavy Rain Measures Act

The national assembly has given the green light to a new law tackling climate change. The director of the meteorological administration will now formulate a climate change response strategy every five years, and there are also plans to manage water flow and related issues in an integrated manner.



Tax Collection Slump: National Tax Collection Falls Short by 20 Trillion in Five Years

The nation should have collected a whopping 20 trillion in taxes over a span of five years. Just last year, about 2.2 trillion wasn't collected. It seems like there's a pressing need to revamp the tax collection method to address this issue.



사진 - 셔터스톡


A Major Battery Check Issue for Electric Cars: 8 out of 10 Imported Cars in Korea Unable to Diagnose Battery Status

In South Korea, many electric vehicles can't check their battery conditions. This poses potential risks, including the threat of fires. For the sake of safety, this issue must be addressed promptly.



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