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[Dokdo Weekly Digest] Responses of the Generative AIs about the ownership of Dokdo Island. 

등록일 2023년09월12일 23시58분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기 네이버 밴드 공유

Whose island is Dokdo? Photo by Shutterstock



I inquired of the Generative AIs about the ownership of Dokdo Island.


ChatGPT responds as follows


The ownership of Dokdo Island, also known as Takeshima in Japan, is a contentious issue between South Korea and Japan. As of my last update in September 2021:

  1. South Korea's Position: South Korea currently administers Dokdo Island and refers to it as an integral part of Korean territory both historically and under international law. The South Korean government has maintained a small police detachment on the island and considers the island as part of the administrative district of Ulleung County, North Gyeongsang Province.

  2. Japan's Position: Japan claims that Takeshima (Dokdo) is an inherent part of the territory of Japan, based on historical facts and international law. The Japanese government maintains that the sovereignty of the islands was confirmed as Japan's following World War II until they were illegally occupied by South Korea.

The issue remains a major point of contention in South Korea-Japan relations. It's essential to approach the topic with sensitivity and understand the historical and nationalistic emotions tied to the issue on both sides.

Bard responds as follows

The ownership of Dokdo Island (also known as Takeshima) is a disputed territory between South Korea and Japan. Both countries have a long history of claiming the islands, and the dispute has been ongoing for centuries.


South Korea's claim to Dokdo is based on historical records, maps, and its continuous use of the islands. Korean records dating back to the 6th century mention Dokdo as part of Korean territory. The islands were also depicted on Korean maps from the 15th century onwards. Since the end of the Korean War in 1953, South Korea has maintained a permanent presence on the islands.


Japan's claim to Dokdo is based on its assertion that it established sovereignty over the islands in the mid-17th century. Japan also argues that Dokdo is an uninhabited rock that is not capable of sustaining human habitation, and therefore cannot be considered a territory under international law.

The United States has not taken a formal position on the ownership of Dokdo. However, in a 1951 diplomatic note, the US government stated that it "takes no position" on the issue and that it "recognizes the continued administrative control of the islands by the Republic of Korea."


The dispute over Dokdo is a complex one, and there is no easy answer to the question of who owns the islands. Both South Korea and Japan have strong historical and legal arguments to support their claims. Ultimately, the dispute may only be resolved through negotiation or arbitration.

In addition to South Korea and Japan, North Korea also claims Dokdo as its territory. However, North Korea has not been as active in pursuing its claim as South Korea and Japan.


As of today, Dokdo is under the control of South Korea. The islands are administered by the Ulleungdo County government, and there is a small permanent population of about 20 people living on the islands.


The Dokdo/Takeshima dispute is a sensitive issue for both South Korea and Japan. The dispute has the potential to disrupt relations between the two countries, and it has been a source of tension on several occasions. However, both countries have expressed a desire to resolve the dispute peacefully.

It is possible that the dispute over Dokdo could be resolved through negotiation or arbitration. However, it is also possible that the dispute could remain unresolved for many years to come.

Bing responds as follows

According to Wikipedia, the Liancourt Rocks dispute is a territorial dispute between South Korea and Japan regarding sovereignty over the Liancourt Rocks, whose Korean and Japanese names are Dokdo and Takeshima respectively21North Korea also claims sovereignty of the islands, but has not pursued its claim to the same extent as the other parties2The Liancourt Rocks have been administered by South Korea since 1952 by the Korea Coast Guard2.


The dispute stems from conflicting interpretations about the historical state of sovereignty over the islets. Korean claims are partly based on references to a Korean island called Usan-do in various historical records, maps and encyclopedias such as the Samguk Sagi, Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, Dongguk Yeoji Seungnam, and Dongguk munheon bigo. According to the Korean view, these refer to today’s Liancourt Rocks, while the Japanese researchers of these documents have stated that the various references to Usan-do refer at different times to Jukdo, its neighboring island Ulleungdo, or a non-existent island between Ulleungdo and Korea2Researchers disagree on who first had administrative control over the islets due to ambiguities in early historical records and maps, partly due to changes in the names of the islands in the area over the years2.


The BBC News also provides a brief profile of the Dokdo/Takeshima islands, stating that they are known by several names. South Korea calls them Dokdo (which means “solitary islands”), while Japan calls them Takeshima (which means “bamboo islands”). In English, they are sometimes referred to as the Liancourt Rocks, after a French whaling ship that nearly ran aground there in 18493The BBC News also reports that the ownership of the islands has been disputed for decades, and that they lie in rich fishing grounds that may contain large deposits of natural gas3.


Another source that discusses the Dokdo Island dispute is an academic paper by Utami Gita Pratiwi from Universitas Indonesia. The paper is titled “PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA SENGKETA PULAU DOKDO ANTARA JEPANG DAN KOREA SEL” (The Settlement of Dokdo Island Dispute Between Japan and South Korea). The paper analyzes the legal basis and arguments of both parties, as well as the possible solutions for resolving the dispute. The paper concludes that both Japan and South Korea have strong historical and legal claims to Dokdo Island, but that they should seek a peaceful settlement through dialogue, negotiation, or arbitration4.

 1. en.wikipedia.org2. en.wikipedia.org3. bbc.com4. scholarhub.ui.ac.id


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