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[Memory Vault] John Wooden: the Legend

Learning Leadership from the Wizard of Westwood and Lessons for a Lifetime

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Learning Leadership from John Wooden: Lessons for a Lifetime

By Bradley BK Park (gugguro21@gmail.com) 
Special to New Journalist Today


June 8, 2010


John Wooden and Bradley Park, photographed by Shin Hyun Shik


In the world of sports, where the roar of the crowd often drowns out introspection, John Wooden stood as a beacon of wisdom and calm. His storied career as the head coach of UCLA's basketball team is legendary, with ten NCAA National Championships in twelve years and a record 88-game winning streak. Yet, beyond the accolades and the "Wizard of Westwood" moniker, Wooden’s legacy is deeply intertwined with his faith—a testament to the power of blending spiritual conviction with professional excellence.


I had the privilege of interviewing Coach Wooden in his home in 1994, a conversation that left an indelible mark on me. At the time, Wooden was in his 80s, yet his sincerity and integrity shone brightly. His wisdom remains as relevant as ever, particularly for those of us in leadership roles, whether on the court, in the pulpit, or in life.


A Faith-Driven Coach


Wooden’s coaching philosophy was rooted in his Christian beliefs. He carried a small cross in his pocket, not as a talisman, but as a reminder of his faith and the price paid for him. This simple act underscored a deeper truth: for Wooden, coaching was not just about winning games but about molding character and spirit.


"Seek ye first His Kingdom and His righteousness," Wooden would often quote from Matthew 6:33, emphasizing that true success begins with faith. His players were not just athletes but individuals in need of guidance, encouragement, and compassion. Wooden's daily Bible readings, a habit instilled by his father, were the bedrock of his coaching style, influencing his interactions and decisions.


The Pyramid of Success


Wooden’s most enduring contribution to the world of leadership is his "Pyramid of Success." This framework consists of 15 fundamental values, each a building block for achieving excellence. At its foundation are industriousness and enthusiasm—qualities essential for any leader. These cornerstones support the higher tiers, which include self-control, alertness, initiative, and team spirit, culminating in competitive greatness.


Wooden believed that success was not measured by material wealth or prestige but by peace of mind achieved through self-satisfaction in knowing one did their best. His definition of success, deeply spiritual and holistic, resonated with his players and extended far beyond the basketball court.


Wooden’s Creed


Wooden’s father gave him a piece of paper upon graduating grade school, inscribed with a creed that would profoundly shape his life:

  1. Be true to yourself.
  2. Make each day your masterpiece.
  3. Help others.
  4. Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible.
  5. Make friendship a fine art.
  6. Build a shelter against a rainy day.
  7. Pray for guidance, count and give thanks for your blessings every day.

This creed, memorized and carried by Wooden throughout his life, was a daily reminder of his values and responsibilities. It influenced his coaching, allowing him to treat his players as friends and family, fostering a sense of loyalty and mutual respect.



The Pyramid of Success: A Closer Look


Wooden's Pyramid of Success was built on foundational principles: industriousness and enthusiasm. These qualities are essential for any leader and serve as the base for other attributes like friendship, loyalty, and cooperation. On the second tier, we find self-control, alertness, initiative, and intentness—qualities that Wooden believed were crucial for maintaining discipline and focus.


At the heart of the pyramid are condition, skill, and team spirit. Wooden emphasized the importance of being in top physical, mental, and moral condition, possessing the skills necessary for precise execution, and nurturing a team spirit that values collective success over individual glory. Poise and confidence form the fourth tier, leading to the pinnacle of competitive greatness. These qualities are surrounded by faith, patience, fight, resourcefulness, adaptability, ambition, reliability, integrity, honesty, and sincerity.


Concluding Words


John Wooden’s life is a testament to the enduring power of faith and the profound impact of principled leadership. His Pyramid of Success remains a vital tool for anyone aspiring to lead with integrity and compassion. As I embark on my journey, I am inspired by Wooden’s example to build my own pyramid, grounded in faith and dedicated to the service of others.


In the words of Bart Starr, the legendary Green Bay Packers quarterback, "Coach Wooden equates basketball to the game of life." His lessons transcend the court, offering timeless wisdom for all walks of life. Wooden’s legacy, a harmonious blend of faith and excellence, continues to light the path for future generations.


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