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[Seoulitics] From High Hopes to Harsh Realities: The Tumultuous Journey of the People Power Party's Innovation Committee and Mr. Linton

- Missteps and Misstatements: The Turbulent Path of the Innovation Committee

등록일 2023년11월28일 12시43분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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Generated by Midjourney. John Linton and Lee Jun-seok.


BK Park

NJT Staff Writer

Seoul, Korea — In an era where political innovation is more than a buzzword, the People Power Party's Innovation Committee, under the leadership of John Linton (Korean name In Yo-han), stands as a testament to missed opportunities and misaligned expectations.


The committee's inception followed the staggering defeat of Kim Tae-woo, President Yoon Seok Yeol's favored candidate in the Gangseo District mayoral by-election, who lost by an 18% margin to the Democratic Party of Korea's candidate. This result was a clarion call for change within the People Power Party and Yoon's administration, particularly to recapture the centrist voters' support.


The public had high hopes for the John Linton-led committee, anticipating a paradigm shift in the submissive dynamics between President Yoon's administration and the People Power Party. Linton, claiming to have received "tremendous authority," believed he had the president's indirect blessing to initiate reform. However, his committee fell short, failing to address the president's missteps or instigate meaningful internal party reforms. In an interview with the Hankyoreh newspaper, Linton himself admitted the limitation in his ability to direct the president, hinting at misplaced expectations.


The committee's inability to bridge the chasm between public expectations and the party or the president's vision was its undoing. If the president himself is resistant to change, the rationale for the public, particularly the centrist voters, to support the committee becomes untenable. The committee focused myopically on general election issues, sidestepping critical concerns like the Hong Beom-do matter, the Park Jung-hoon issue, the Itaewon disaster, youth and education issues, and the pressing matter of freedom of the press.


One fresh approach by the committee was its take on the military service issue for K-pop stars, yet this too failed to capture significant attention, overshadowed by the general election fervor. Linton's diligence was undeniable, but the disconnect between his efforts and the public's desired trajectory led to disappointing results.


Compounding these issues was Linton's public misstep involving former representative Lee Jun-seok. After failing to secure a meeting with Lee, Linton, in a moment of ill judgment, blamed Lee's parents for his supposed lack of morality at a Youth and Party Member Innovation Training lecture. Chairman In was reported by the Korean media to have said, "Jun-seok lacks morality," and "It seems to be more the fault of his parents than his own." This incident was seen as more severe than Lee's English remarks to Chairman Linton during a Busan talk concert, particularly as mentioning parents is a significant error in Korean culture. This comment, which violated Korean cultural norms of not using first names in formal settings and the taboo of criticizing one's parents, marked a severe faux pas.


In contrast, Lee's respect for Linton, especially regarding his ancestors' missionary work in Korea and his role in the Gwangju Democratization Movement, highlighted the cultural depth of respect and honor. Lee's careful use of the title "Mr. Linton" rather than "John" underscored this reverence.


In a Monday announcement from the Innovation Committee, Chairman In addressed recent comments he made about former representative Lee Jun-seok and his parents. He expressed remorse, stating, "It seems I may have used excessive language towards former representative Lee Jun-seok and his parents," and conveyed his deep apologies to both Lee and his family.


In a conversation with MBC on the same day, Chairman In further elaborated on his remarks, explaining that his intention to emphasize wisdom and morality might have led to misinterpretation. He also confirmed that the Innovation Committee meeting scheduled for the 30th would go ahead as planned.


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