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[Book-Log] Mysterious Water Story

등록일 2023년05월18일 18시11분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기 네이버 밴드 공유


Water is the origin of our life and the most commonly encountered resource in our daily lives. However, it is rare to find someone who fully understands its importance and functions, making it somewhat 'mysterious.'


As a human author (Byung Kee Park), he embarked on the challenge of writing a book about water despite being relatively unfamiliar with the subject. Generative AIs gave him the courage to do so. ChatGPT, New Bing, Google Bard, and others were my assistants for this writing.


After encountering astonishing spring water recently, he, as the human author, has developed a great interest in drinking water and has been actively spreading knowledge about it, much like the Samaritan woman who met Jesus at the well.


This book is the result of enjoyable conversations between the human author and Generative AIs, discussing the importance of water, its types, cultural aspects, and the future of water, coinciding with World Water Day (March 22nd).


The purpose of this book is to assist readers in gaining new perspectives and understanding about water. As the human author concluded this book, both the human author and Generative AIs would have undoubtedly increased their understanding of water.


In this book, the author, along with Generative AIs, examines the role of water in human society and the Earth, and strives to explain the characteristics of water and its various health benefits in an accessible manner.


Furthermore, they shed light on the cultural impact of water on human life and discuss the importance of water resource management. Through this book, readers will come to realize that water is not just a simple essential item for daily life, but a remarkable gift to humanity. Furthermore, through various stories related to water, readers will gain new knowledge and insights. They will also develop a more careful and responsible approach to using and managing water in their everyday lives.


This book aims to serve as a reminder of the value and importance of water, especially in light of World Water Day (March 22nd), and hopes to contribute, even in a small way, to fostering our collective interest and efforts for a sustainable future.


Byung Kee Park, the human author, who conducted a personal experiment with bottled water in the past month, shares his personal experiences and results with readers in the Chapter 5 of this book. The experiment, driven by the author's curiosity about the impact of water on his health, involved daily consumption of at least two bottles of Koriwaters's spring water, while observing changes in his health.


Although this is a personal account based on experiences not scientifically proven, the author shares remarkable results in this book, such as the almost complete absence of gout symptoms that had plagued him for 20 years during the one-month experiment.


Additionally, along with the story of Jun Jin-Chul, the representative of Koriwaters spring water factory in Wonju, Gangwon Province, the book discusses the various health benefits provided by water. 


The author hails from three prestigious institutions: UCLA, Fuller Seminary, and Bakke Graduate University.

Google Play Book Downloadhttps://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=DzS_EAAAQBAJ


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