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[K-POP ARTIST(1)] Global Sensation: Ailee's Journey from 'Ten Million Click Girl' to K-POP Icon

Unveiling the Story of Ailee: Bridging Cultures and Conquering Hearts in the World of K-POP

등록일 2023년12월11일 15시49분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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Generated by Midjourney. Ailee


K-POP, a vibrant and comprehensive artistic phenomenon from South Korea, has gained immense international popularity, showcasing Korean music and art to the world. It's more than just music; K-POP encompasses dance, fashion, media, and the entertainment industry, solidifying itself as a global soft power representative of South Korea.


K-POP has creatively fused various cultures and nationalities to forge a unique art form, spreading the charm of Korean culture globally. Both idol groups and solo artists have significantly contributed to this success, achieving remarkable feats in music and visual arts. While idol groups often dominate the K-POP scene, the foundation of this genre is deeply rooted in the efforts of solo artists, many of whom are globally recognized vocalists.


Today, let's spotlight one such artist: Ailee.

  1. Ailee

Ailee is a prominent figure in the K-POP industry. Born in the United States, she first gained attention in 2008 after finishing second in a singing competition on NBC's "The Maury Show," where she performed Rihanna's "Unfaithful." 


Around the same time, she uploaded videos of herself singing, including Mariah Carey's "Hero," on YouTube. These videos garnered an average of 300,000 views each, cumulatively reaching over 10 million views, earning her the nickname "Ten Million Click Girl."


Despite receiving offers from numerous companies, including American labels, Ailee decided to start her music career in South Korea. She took a hiatus from Pace University and moved to Korea in 2010. Among the companies that had shown interest in her was YMC Entertainment, with whom she auditioned by singing Big Mama's "Resignation" and was subsequently cast.


Ailee's talent was further highlighted when she attended a concert by David Foster, a 16-time Grammy Award-winning music producer and composer, on January 23, 2020, in Thousand Oaks, California. During the concert, she participated in an event where audience members could sing for 30 seconds. Ailee's rendition of "Stand Up for Love" left a lasting impression on the audience. This performance went viral, amassing over 23 million views.


Some of Ailee's videos have garnered over ten million views, with the first video exceeding 110 million views.


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