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[K-Movies] Sleep (잠)

A Deep Dive into the Realms of the Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical

등록일 2023년09월08일 17시51분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기 네이버 밴드 공유


Film Review: "Sleep" - A Deep Dive into the Realms of the Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical


In the vast expanse of cinema, few films challenge the audience's perceptions as effectively as "Sleep," directed by Yoo Jae-seon. The film leaves viewers grappling with a central question: Are the events unfolding due to spiritual, psychological, or physical reasons?


The narrative centers on a seemingly contented couple, Hyun-soo (played by Lee Sun-kyun) and Soo-jin (portrayed by Jung Yu-mi). While Hyun-soo is an actor, Soo-jin leads a life as a corporate professional. One day, their tranquil existence is shattered when Soo-jin stumbles upon their cherished pet dog, lifeless inside the refrigerator, a chilling act attributed to Hyun-soo's erratic behavior. 


As the plot thickens, Hyun-soo is diagnosed with REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD), a condition where individuals enact their vivid dreams, often leading to unforeseen and dangerous actions. This disorder pushes Hyun-soo to the brink, leading him to attempt a drastic act of jumping off their apartment building, all while in a sleep-induced state.


However, "Sleep" doesn't solely anchor Hyun-soo's actions to his medical condition. It introduces a supernatural layer, suggesting that the spirit of a recently deceased elderly neighbor might be influencing him. This duality keeps the audience in suspense, constantly questioning the actual cause of Hyun-soo's actions.


The film's climax is artfully ambiguous, entrusting the audience with the task of deciphering the root cause of the mysterious events. It serves as a poignant reminder of the severity of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder while delving into the enigmatic realm of the supernatural.


In an interview with KBS, Director Yoo Jae-seon elucidated his choice of RBD as the film's focal point. He remarked, "I contemplated how to portray the daily life of someone with RBD. My deeper interest lies in the narrative of those who stand by such individuals. In many genre films, the protagonist typically flees from the source of fear. However, escape isn't an option when the source of that fear is someone you deeply love. The idea of confronting and overcoming the challenge together was captivating."


Jung Yu-mi's performance deserves special mention. After her riveting portrayal of a pregnant woman in "Train to Busan," she once again showcases the intricacies of motherhood in "Sleep." Every scene post-childbirth is heart-wrenching, as the audience shares Soo-jin's palpable fear about what Hyun-soo might inadvertently do to their newborn.

In conclusion, "Sleep" masterfully intertwines the realms of medical reality and supernatural suspense, urging viewers to question the boundaries of their beliefs.

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