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[K-Movies] 'The Roundup: Punishment(범죄도시4)': A Triumphant Return to Form for the Series 

등록일 2024년04월30일 10시04분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기 네이버 밴드 공유


'The Roundup: Punishment': A Triumphant Return to Form for the Series 


In the latest installment of the Rounup Series, 'The Roundup: Punishment(범죄도시 4)', director Heo Myung-haeng and star Ma Dong-seok deliver a thrilling cinematic experience that far surpasses its predecessor. As a critic who found 'The Roundup: No Way Out(범죄도시 3)' to be a disappointing spectacle of mindless action, I approached the fourth film with low expectations. To my pleasant surprise, 'The Roundup: Punishment(범죄도시 4)' not only rectifies the missteps of the previous entry but also reestablishes the series as a powerhouse in Korean cinema.


The the Rounup Series has achieved an Avengers-like status in South Korea, becoming a cultural phenomenon that audiences feel compelled to see. This latest entry continues to attract a wide demographic, as evidenced by the diverse age groups present at the midnight showing I attended. The film's broad appeal and ability to draw over 10 million viewers highlight its significant place in contemporary Korean culture.


Under Heo Myung-haeng's adept direction, 'The Roundup: Punishment(범죄도시 4)' weaves a compelling narrative that blends action, crime, thriller, noir, and comedy elements seamlessly. The plot picks up three years after a new drug case has emerged, following the formidable detective Ma Seok-do (Ma Dong-seok) and the Seoul Metropolitan Investigation Unit as they delve into a drug trafficking case involving a delivery app. The investigation uncovers a connection to a large-scale online gambling syndicate linked to a wanted app developer who died in the Philippines.


The film’s antagonists, Baek Chang-gi (Kim Mu-yeol), a merciless ex-special forces operative running a criminal empire in the Philippines, and Jang Dong-cheol (Lee Dong-hwi), a tech genius orchestrating operations in Korea, add depth and complexity to the story. Their performances, along with the comic relief provided by Jang Yi-soo (Park Ji-hwan), elevate the film, making it an engaging watch from start to finish.

'The Roundup: Punishment(범죄도시 4)' stands out with its intricate plot and modern themes, tackling issues like drug trafficking through delivery apps and online gambling. These contemporary elements resonate with today’s societal challenges, grounding the film in a relatable reality while still delivering the high-octane action fans expect.


The action sequences in 'The Roundup: Punishment(범죄도시 4)' are a marked improvement over its predecessor, with Ma Dong-seok’s portrayal of Ma Seok-do showcasing his exceptional combat skills, particularly in the boxing scenes that have become a hallmark of the series. The tension between Ma Seok-do and the villains Baek Chang-gi and Jang Dong-cheol keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, making for a gripping viewing experience.


In conclusion, 'The Roundup: Punishment(범죄도시 4)' is a masterful blend of action and narrative that cements the Roundup Series as a cornerstone of Korean cinema. Heo Myung-haeng’s direction, combined with stellar performances from the cast, especially Ma Dong-seok, delivers a film that is both thrilling and emotionally resonant. This movie not only redeems the series but also sets a new standard for Korean action films, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating future installments.

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