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[CES 2023] '정국' 소리 더 크게 듣고 싶을 때

[CES 2023] When you want to hear 'Jungkook''s voice louder

등록일 2023년01월14일 19시24분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기 네이버 밴드 공유

Photo by Shutterstoc. BTS


Raon ANC is a company that provides the realistic sound solution. This company has sound image localization, sound image control, sense of space, and crosstalk removal technology. Those are the four core technologies of Raon ANC to realize the realistic sound. It is a real-time immersive sound reproduction solution that reproduces mono, stereo, and multi-channel sound as positioned stereo and multi-channel sound in a listening environment. Our NJT writer interviewed Cho Yeon-soo, CEO of Raon A&C Co., Ltd at the CES 2023. She holds a doctoral degree in engineering. She built up her R&D capabilities at the company and celebrated her first year of business with the 'hybrid realistic sound' item through the Daejeon Creative Economy Innovation Center's initial start-up package. 

라온ANC는 실감형 사운드 솔루션을 제공하는 기업이다. 이 회사는 음상정위, 음상제어, 공간감, 크로스톡 제거 기술 보유하고 있다. 이는 실감나는 사운드를 구현하는 라온 ANC의 4가지 핵심 기술이다. 이는 청취 환경에서 모노, 스테레오, 다채널 사운드를 포지셔닝된 스테레오 및 다채널 사운드로 재생하는 실시간 몰입형 사운드 재생 솔루션이다. NJT 기자가 CES 2023에서 (주)라온에이앤씨의 조연수 대표를 인터뷰했다. 그는 공학 박사 학위를 가지고 있어 회사에서 R&D 역량을 쌓았고 대전창조경제혁신센터의 초기 창업 패키지를 통해 '하이브리드 실감 사운드' 아이템으로 창업 1년을 자축했다. 다음은 한국어로 진행한 인터뷰 영상이다. 




NJT: Hello.

Raon ANC: Hello.

NJT: Can you introduce your company Raon ANC to our audience?

Raon ANC: Raon ANC is a company that develops and supplies realistic sound solutions. We came to the CES 2023 with a solution that can provide realistic sound in online performances such as YouTube. After COVID-19 broke out, there were many online performances on YouTube, but general users did not like online performances. Also, musicians and event planners did not like them, either. It is because even if musicians or planners create an atmosphere similar to that of a concert hall, it is not exacty the same as the offline concert.


We offer a great solution. 


If a singer sings while moving from right to left, we make the sound move together in real time as well. This has the advantage of being able to give the same feeling of moving from the right speaker to the left in a concert hall on YouTube. So it has the advantage of being slightly differentiated and feeling a more special sound.

NJT: Our audience watching this video can't hear the sound, but can you show us a little bit of what you just said through the screen.

Raon ANC: If you look there, in the case of the existing stereo, even if I move the sound from left to right, I just hear the sound in stereo on both sides. Applying our solution, the vocalist moves from left to right as the person sings. Then the sound moves from the left to the right, so you can hear the realistic sound. Similar to the concert hall, there is an advantage that you can listen to the music on YouTube with our system.


NJT: You said earlier that if you want to listen to BTS Jungkook's voice intensively, the listeners can do that. Could you please explain it?

Raon ANC: So, if BTS were to hold an online fan meeting all over the world, fans would connect to YouTube saying to other people, “Come to YouTube.” Then, if the fans want to hear Jungkook's voice louder, then the person in charge of the concert might just pull Jungkook's voice forward and let it be heard. Or you can pull out another team member's voice and let them hear more precisely.


Because the audience and the performer can communicate in real time while performing, it is possible to convey the feeling of being in a real fan meeting or concert hall.


NJT: Instead of hearing one-sided, the emphasis is on interaction and the fans can choose what to hear. 

Raon ANC: On YouTube, end users can't control the sound. In our system, when fans send a message saying, “I want to hear this, I want to hear that,” the mastering people can control it and deliver it to the end user.


NJT: Many people practiced the choir through Zoom during the COVID-19 era, but the sound did not harmonize well. I heard there is a solution for that part.

Raon ANC: Many people did a lot of choir and practice using Zoom, but the biggest problem is that the video conferencing system has mono sound, so there are many people saying that the sound quality is not good.

So, in order to solve the problem, we created a system in which musicians in Busan, Daejeon, and Seoul perform at their homes, and the band master puts together the performances online and transmits them with a 3D effect. It is expected to launch at the end of this year or early next year.

NJT: It's innovative. I'm really looking forward to it. Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. I wish you good results.

Raon ANC: Thank you for visiting our booth. Thank you.

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