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[Seoulitics] President Yoon Suk Yeol's Political Tightrope: Allegations, Tapes, and Tensions in South Korea

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol Faces Potential Political Risks

등록일 2023년11월02일 10시53분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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On November 1st, President Yoon Suk Yeol chaired the 21st Emergency Economic Livelihood Meeting


South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol Faces Potential Political Risks


By Byung Kee Park


Seoul, South Korea  Amid a political maelstrom, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol is drawing parallels with a poignant scene from the 1995 SBS-TV drama "Sandglass," in which the protagonist Park Tae-su (played by Choi Min-soo) asks his friend, attorney Kang Woo-seok (played by Park Sang-won), "Am I trembling?"


This dramatized expression of fear is seemingly manifested in President Yoon's political life, according to his former ally, Lee Jun-seok, ex-leader of the People Power Party (PPP). In a recent column for the Kyunghyang Shinmun, Lee listed several allegations and concerns that may be putting the president in a politically precarious position:


  1. Yangpyeong Highway Scandal: Allegations suggest that the wife's family of President Yoon benefited from advantageous highway modifications, which could implicate him under his concept of "economic community," which Yoon, during his tenure as a prosecutor, formulated and is a principle that now potentially places him at risk.
  2. Death of Marine Corporal Chae: Marine Corporal Chae Mo reportedly died due to an inappropriate order from a superior officer. In light of this tragic incident, Colonel Park Jeong-hoon, who sought to hold higher-ups accountable for the wrongful death, was allegedly suppressed. Colonel Park claims that President Yoon Suk-yeol intervened in the handling of this case. If these allegations hold true, it places President Yoon in a potentially precarious situation.
  3. Ousting of Key Party Figures: Yoon's purported attempts to sideline seasoned conservatives like Lee Jun-seok, Hong Joon-pyo, Yoo Seung-min, and Na Kyung-won could backfire, leaving him vulnerable to counterattacks.
  4. Betrayal by Close Allies: President Yoon's close aides, once ardent defenders, have histories of switching allegiances, which could leave him vulnerable to sudden political betrayals.
  5. 500 Taped Conversations: A recording was recently released in which President Yoon, before joining the party, purportedly stated that he could dismantle the party entirely and potentially oust Representative Lee Jun-seok within three months. The individual who recorded the conversation has reportedly informed the Presidential Office of the recording's existence for several months. During this period, the Presidential Office may have harbored underlying concerns—those who disclosed the recording claim to possess over 500 similar recordings. If true, given that the Presidential Office would be aware of the content, the potential implications could be significant.


Furthermore, there is a whisper about:


6. Tablet PC Manipulation Case: Prominent journalist Byun Hee-jae of Media Watch claims that Yoon, then a prosecutor, played a role in manipulating the contents of a tablet PC, which was instrumental in the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye.


Recently, during a conference, President Yoon commented on opposition to his budget rearrangements, mentioning rumors of impeachment threats if his policies are implemented. However, it seems the impeachment arguments are centered on some of the above-listed issues rather than his budget policies.


Notably, ex-PPP leader Lee Jun-seok, during a YouTube broadcast on "Speaks," noted President Yoon's renewed habit of shaking his head from side to side, interpreting it as a sign of the president's current anxiety.


With an already stressed economy, the Korean populace finds itself in a dilemma. Whether Yoon faces impeachment or continues his tenure, uncertainties loom large. As the political landscape remains turbulent, it is evident that the nation is treading on thin ice.

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